Level Up Your Security: Discover the Advantages of Increased Effort in a Security Assessment

What's the Point in Hacking Toilets?

How to Give a Good Talk

The Power of Contrarian Thinking

Who should be responsible for security?  Providers or Stakeholders?

Microsoft Secure Score – Helpful or Sales Pitch?

How to Give a TED Talk

What Hollywood Video Taught Me About Hacking

Log4J One Year Later: What You Need To Know

The Psychology of Social Engineering: Protecting Your Organization

The Elements of a Strong Security Awareness Training Program

The Nightmare Security Partner

My DEFCON 30 Experience As a First-Timer

Back to DEFCON!

Investing in Cybersecurity with Venture Capitalist Will Lin

Creative Problem-Solving in Business with Joshua M. Linkner

Consumer Cybersecurity: A Conversation With Consumer Advocate Christopher Elliott

Overcoming Cybersecurity Professional Stereotypes: A Conversation with Naomi Buckwalter

The Value of Relationships in Business: A Conversation with Elliott Elkhoury

Cybersecurity for Startups: A Conversation with Jack Leidecker

How to Lead a Software Team: A Conversation With Emad Georgy

What Is A Certified Ethical Hacker? A Conversation With John Hammond

What Type of Application Security Testing Do I Need?

Strong Security Provides a Competitive Edge

Secure Your Application As You Develop

Know Thy Enemy: Understanding Attackers

How to Budget For Application Security

Why Reassessments And Their Frequency Matters

What Steps Are Necessary to Fix Your Application Vulnerabilities?

How to Hack Your Own System

How Do You Know What Type of Security Test You Need?

Why You Want White-Box Testing as Your Assessment Methodology

How to Think Like an Attacker

Effective Application Security Needs the Right Partnership

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