Depending on Binwalk

Over the years, I've found myself using Virtual Machines for running reverse ...
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Who's Responsible for Computer Security—Remote Workers or the IT Team?

Working remotely is nothing new; many companies allowed it before the pandemic, ...
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Lessons About 3rd Party Risk and Application Security from MOVEit

By now, you probably heard about the cascade of data breaches that occurred ...
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Level Up Your Security: Discover the Advantages of Increased Effort in a Security Assessment

We all make choices about effort. There are only so many hours in a day, and ...
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What's the Point in Hacking Toilets?

So…what’s the point in hacking toilets?
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The Power of Contrarian Thinking

“So I gotta ask you…”
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Who should be responsible for security?  Providers or Stakeholders?

A discussion with Steve Bono, Founder and CEO of Independent Security ...
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Microsoft Secure Score – Helpful or Sales Pitch?

Clients frequently turn to us for advice on how to enhance the security of ...
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How to Give a TED Talk

Wanna give a TED talk? Here’s how I did it.
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